Rate Report

The rate report is sent daily by E-Mail.


This shows the highest relative difference between recommended and sent/current rate over the next 31 days. The room types with the highest deviations are displayed. If the number is green and ↑, the recommended rate is the specified percentage higher than the transmitted/current rate (here 96% to 36%). If the number is red and ↓, the recommended rate is lower than the transmitted/current rate by the specified percentage. All room types are considered.

Concorenti - Superiori:

This shows the highest absolute price difference between the transmitted/current rates and the rates of the specified competitor hotels over the next 31 days. On this date, the competing hotels listed have set a higher rate.

Concorenti - Inferiori:

This shows the highest absolute price difference between the transmitted/current rates and the rates of the specified competitor hotels over the next 31 days. On this date, the competing hotels listed have set a lower rate.