Check how dynamic your hotel is with pickup analysis.
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Pickup is one of the major metrics in Revenue Management. It represents the dynamics of the company’s performance.
When many new reservations were made, we call this a strong Pickup and if only few reservations were entered we are speaking of a weak Pickup.
Pickup filters
The pickup page offers a variety of filters you can use to assess your hotel's performance:
Date Range: Select up to one year to be assessed.
KPI: Choose between revenue or room nights.
Reference: Compare up to two years in the past, based on the selected date range.
Cancelled Pickup: Show or hide cancellations.
Group By: Group data by segments (data is only shown if you have activated the segmentation categorization feature) or room category.
If your PMS is supporting net and gross revenue, you can decide what to show by using the switch on the top right of the page. Find more information here.
Analyzing the data
The summary provides a quick snapshot of your hotel’s key metrics for the selected date range. If reference is selected, the difference between the date range and the reference will be displayed on the bottom part of the card.
Pickup: The total number of booked rooms.
Cancellations: The total number of cancellations.
Revenue: Net revenue for the selected date range. Formula:
Pickup Revenue - Cancelled Revenue
ADR (Average Daily Rate): The average rate of sold rooms for the selected date range. Formula:
Net Revenue / Net Pickup
Pickup per day
The Pickup Per Day will display a graph with the filtered information for the selected date range, and a table if any grouping is selected. The chart shows total pickup and total cancellations of the day.
If grouping is selected, the table will display the following KPIs for each group:
Group: Defined by the “Group By” selection.
PickUp: The total number of booked rooms.
PickUp Revenue: Total Revenue from booked rooms.
Cancellations: The total number of cancellations.
Cancellations Revenue: Total Revenue lost due to cancellations.
Net PickUp: Formula:
Pickup - Cancellation
Net Revenue: Formula:
Pickup Revenue - Cancelled Revenue
ADR (Average Daily Rate): The average rate of sold rooms for date range. Formula
Net Revenue / Net Pickup.
Pickup distribution
The PickUp distribution will display a chart and table with the stay day for the pickup and cancellation from the selected date range.
The table is divided by months and displays the following KPIs for each:
OTB: Room nights on the books (according to date range filter).
OTB revenue: Revenue on the books (according to date range filter).
Pickup: The total number of booked rooms.
Pickup revenue: Total Revenue from booked rooms.
Cancellations: The total number of cancellations.
Cancellations Revenue: Total Revenue lost due to cancellations.
Room Nights: Formula:
Pickup - Cancellation
Total Revenue: Formula:
Pickup Revenue - Cancelled Revenue
Vacant rooms: The number of empty rooms. Formula:
Available Rooms - Booked Rooms
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