Manage rates help you to easily and quickly update your room rates for a few days or months from one place. You can also check RateBoard recommendations and make the most of each room.
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Room category: it's a group of room types, for one room category you can have multiple room types. The categories are pre-defined by RateBoard.
Room type: it's a specific room in your hotel, for each room type you can have only one room category. The room type names will depend on your PMS server.
Primary room type: you can only have one primary room per for each room category, this room will contain the base rate, from which the regular rooms will derivate from.
Other room types: you can have multiple regular rooms for each room category, these rooms will have their prices derived from the primary room, adjusted by a percentage or value.
Also see:
How to define room categories and type
How to adjust room type price levels
How to change rates per room category
On the manage calendar, once you chose the room type you want to edit, you can select one or several days that you would like to update, the Rate Editor will open automatically on the right side, where . Then you can have an overview of the current and suggested changes for each room type in this category.
If you like to go with the suggested rate you just need to click the green “accept all” button. Afterwards the “Save” button will pop up at the bottom of the page.
By pressing the SAVE key, the system accepts the changes in a log, in which all changes can be checked again. The log is located below the calendar.
For one day: you will see the rates for the selected date.
For multiple days: you will see a range of rates for the selected dates.
You can change the rates by accepting the rate recommendations or adjusting it manually.
Accept recommendations: to accept the rates recommended by RateBoard click on the button
, this will apply the change to all selected dates. The other room types will have their prices derivate from the primary rate as usual.Adjust manually: if you don’t want to follow the recommendations, you can adjust the current rate and then click on
. The other room types will have their prices derivate from the primary rate as usual. The adjustment value can be defined in 3 ways:±€: increase or decrease by x€;
±%: increase or decrease by x%;
€: define a new value.
Once you are done with the changes, click SAVE
, at the bottom of the rate editor tap, to input the updates into the change log, right under the manage calendar, where you can review all the changes before applying and publishing it.
If you don't want to apply any of the changes made, you can simply deselect it, only the selected changes will be applied and published.
Once you reviewed all the changes, click APPLY AND PUBLISH
to send the selected changes, or click DISCARD CHANGES
if you don't want to go through with it.
In case you would like to individualize the rate from the suggested rate you will use the blue “Value” field. Here you have several options to adjust your rate. Those options are, adjust the rates, based on: +/- €, +/-% or the total amount in €. The rate changes of the primary room type will be applied to the other room types accordingly.
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