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Manage overview

In the manage page, we have 3 main areas:



Rates editor




In the calendar, you can have an overview of your rates and select days to do individual changes. For each day you can check:

  1. Current price: the last price sent to your system.

  2. Recommendations: RateBoard recommended price.

    1. Grey text: the recommendation is the same as current price.

    2. Green text: the recommendation is to increase the rate.

    3. Green text and background: the recommendation to increase rate is +5% more than the current rate.

    4. Red text: the recommendation is to reduce the rate.

    5. Red text and background: the recommendation to reduce rate is +5% less than the current rate.

  3. Events: set events from current and last year.

    1. Grey: event from last year.

    2. Yellow: event from current year.

  4. Restrictions: it will show the set restriction such as length of stay, CTA and CTD.

  5. Autopilot: it will be displayed only if autopilot is active.

    1. Red: rates are fixed and will not be updated by the autopilot

    2. Blue: autopilot will change the rates

Rates editor

Check the available tab for the rates' editor:

Change log

Once you are done with the changes in the rates' editor, click SAVE. The changes will be sent to the change log, where you can review all the changes before applying and publishing it.

If you don't want to apply any of the changes made, you can simply deselect it, only the selected changes will be applied and published.

Once you reviewed all the changes, click APPLY AND PUBLISH to send the selected changes, or click DISCARD CHANGES if you don't want to go through with it anymore.

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