Rate Plans
Have more control over your rate plans, manage them daily in the Manage calendar.
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With RateBoard you can create and distribute several rate plans, like early booking rate, non-ref, half board and others. To create new Rate Plans, use the Setting → Rate Plan page.
To manage the Rate Plans daily, you can use the Manage page. Here you can:
Turn rate plans on and off;
Change the rate plans rules.
Manage rates plans
Select the days you want to apply the change.
Close or open each rate plan.
Adjust the value if you want.
Select if you want to apply this change to all room categories or not.
Once you are done, click SAVE.
In the change log, review the changes and click ‘apply and publish’.
If the rate plan is set to person, you will see a 👤 (one person) icon. If the rate plan is set to unit, you will see a 👥 (group) icon.
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