Room pricing

Room pricing

Set your price strategy for each room type, making it easier to charge for extra guests.

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For each room type, you can set a strategy by defining:

  • Minimum, standard and maximum amount of guests.

  • Price for fewer guests.

  • Price for extra guests.

  • Price for children.

Amount of guests

Here you can set the minimum, standard and maximum amount of guests. By doing that, you will be modifying the extra room pricing options available, for example, the price for extra guests will only be available if the maximum number of guests is bigger than the standard.

Different minimum, standard and maximum amount of guests.

Same standard and minimum amount of guests.

Same standard and maximum amount of guests.

Fewer guests

When there is a variance between minimum and standard occupancy, the price for fewer guests must be calculated. You can do that by percentage, offset standard or offset person.


The percentage will be calculated based on the standard price for 1 person. That means that the standard price will be divided by the standard amount of guest and then have the percentage applied to it.

Example 1: If the standard is set as 2 guests for 300€, then the price for one guest set to 120% would be 300/2 * 120% = 180€, that means that a single guest would pay 180€.

Example 2: If the standard is set as 4 guests for 600€, then the price for one guest set to 150% would be 600/4 * 150% = 225€, that means that a single guest would pay 225€.


room price = 200€

single use:

1-2-4 (Min / Std / Max) and single use = -20% Offset room price200€ -20% = 180€

1 Guest: set to 180 PERCENTAGE

= % standard occupancy - % Offset room price = 200% -20% = 180% = 180€additional adults:1-2-4 (Min / Std / Max) and additional adult  = 70% Offset per person price

additional adult: set to 70 PERCENTAGE

= Rate standard occupancy / standard occupancy * % = 200€ / 2 * 0,7 = 70€

At a price of 200€ per room / night this room costs 180€ for 1 guest, 200€ for 2 guests, 270€ for 3 guests and 340€ for 4 guests.



room price = 280€

single use: 1-2-4 (Min / Std / Max) and single use =  +25% Offset per person price280€ / 2 = 140€ * 25% = 35€ → also 140€ + 35€ = 175€

1 Person: set to 125 PERCENTAGE

= Rate standard occupancy / standard occupancy * % = 280€ / 2 * 1,25 = 175€

additional adults: 1-2-4 (Min / Std / Max) and additional adult  = 80% Offset per person price

additional adult: set to 80 PERCENTAGE

= Rate standard occupancy / standard occupancy * % = 280€ / 2 * 0,8 = 112€

At a price of 280€ per room / night this room costs 175€ for 1 guest, 280€ for 2 guests, 392€ for 3 guests and 504€ for 4 guests.



room price = 350€

single use and occupancies below standard occupancy of 4 adults:1-4-6 (Min / Std / Max)  =  -10% Offset per person of the room price3 Guests: 350€ -10% = 315€ 2 Guests: 350€ -20% = 280€1 Guest: 350€ -30% = 245€

3 Guests: set to 360 PERCENTAGE

= % standard occupancy - % Offset room price (10%*4) = 400% -40% = 360% = 315€2 Guests: set to 320 PERCENTAGE

= % standard occupancy - % Offset room price (20%*4) = 400% -80% = 320% = 280€1 Guest: set to 280 PERCENTAGE

= % standard occupancy - % Offset room price (30%*4) = 400% -120% = 280% = 245€

additional adult:1-4-6 (Min / Std / Max) and additional adult  = 60% Offset per person price

additional adult: set to 60 PERCENTAGE

= Rate standard occupancy / standard occupany * % = 350€ / 4 * 0,6 = 53€

At a price of 350€ per room / night this room costs 245€ for 1 guest, 280€ for 2 guests, 315€ for 3 guests, 350€ for the standard occupancy of 4 guests, 403€ for 5 guests and 456€ for 6 guests.

You can check the set standard prices in Pricelevels.

Offset standard

Define a fixed price that will be deducted from the standard price.

Example 1: If the standard is set as 2 guests for 300€, then the price for one guest set to -100€ offset standard would be 300 - 100€ = 200€, that means that a single guest would pay 200€.

Example 2: If the standard is set as 3 guests for 600€, then the price for two guests set to -150€ offset standard would be 600 - 150€ = 450€, that means that two guests would pay 450€.

Offset person

Define a fixed price that will be added to the standard price for 1 guest.

Example 1: If the standard is set as 2 guests for 300€, then the price for one guest set to 30€ offset person would be 300/2 + 30€ = 180€, that means that a single guest would pay 180€.

Example 2: If the standard is set as 3 guests for 600€, then the price for two guests set to 60€ offset person would be 600/2 + 60€ = 360€, that means that two guests would pay 360€.

Extra guests

When there is a variance between maximum and standard occupancy, the price for extra guests must be calculated. You can do that by percentage or fixed value.


The percentage will be calculated based on the standard price for 1 person. That means that the standard price will be divided by the standard amount of guest and then have the percentage applied to it.

Example 1: If the standard is set as 2 guests for 300€, then the price for one extra guest set to 80% would be 300/2 * 60% = 90€ + standard, that means that a group of 3 guests would pay 390€.

Example 2: If the standard is set as 4 guests for 600€, then the price for one extra guest set to 40% would be 600/4 * 40% = 60€ + standard, that means that a group of 5 guests would pay 660€.

You can check the set standard prices on Pricelevels.


You set a fixed value for each extra guest.

Example 1: If the standard is set as 2 guests for 300€ and the extra guest is set to 80€, a group of 3 people would pay 380€ and a group of 4 would pay 460€.

Formulas cheat sheet


Amount of guests

How to calculate


Amount of guests

How to calculate



standard price / standard amount of guests * percentage

Offset standard


standard price - offset

Offset person


standard price / standard amount of guests - offset



(standard price / standard amount of guests * percentage) * amount of extra guests + standard price



standard price + (fixed value * amount of extra guests)

Age categories

In the age categories tab you can add age groups, for which you will be able to set specific price rules in the prices tab.

  1. Add the category name.

  2. Set the age range, from - to a specific age.

  3. Click APPLY.

Once you save it, you will be able to see these categories, under Children, in the price tab for rooms where the maximum and standard values are different.

You can also choose to apply this category or not for each room by using the switch to turn it on or off.

How to manage seasons

In the room pricing configuration, you manage your seasons according to your strategy.

Season is a period of time with different room pricing configurations.

How to add a new season

When adding a new season, you can start it from scratch or clone an existing season.

Adding new season

  1. Pick a start and end date in the “Add/Clone season” section;

  2. Click on ADD ;

  3. Select “add new” on the dropdown.

Cloning new season

  1. Pick a start and end date in the “Add/Clone season” section;

  2. Click on ADD ;

  3. Select the season you want to clone from on the dropdown.

How to update a season

For existing seasons, you can update the date range and the room pricing configurations. For both, use the season managing area.

Update date range

  1. Select the season you want to update;

  2. Select a new start or end date for the selected season

  3. Click on SAVE

Update room pricing configuration

  1. Select the season you want to edit:

  2. Make the changes you want for a specif room;

  3. Click on SAVE

Check more on how to set the room price configuration below. (Link to amount of guests)

How to delete a season

  1. Select the season you want to delete

  2. Click on DELETE SEASON on the right:

  3. Confirm it.


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