

The notifications help you to stay up to date with the most important KPIs for your Hotel, on the Dashboard or directly in your e-mails.

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Notification Overview

How to create a notification

For every notification you will be asked to define 5 options: notification type, KPI, comparison, period of time and percentage

  • Notification type

    • Info: will be displayed on the Dashboard.

    • Warning: will be displayed on the Dashboard.

    • Alarm: will be displayed in the Dashboard and also send via e-mail.

  • KPI: Bookings, revenue or ADR (Average Daily Rate)

  • Comparison: lower or higher.

  • Period of time (last year): 30, 60, 90 or 120 days

  • Percentage: input manually.

The notification will be constructed like:

NOTIFICATION TYPE is triggered when KPI is/are PERCENTAGE percent COMPARISON compared to last year for period of PERIOD OF TIME.

Experts' tip: To set the correct notifications, check your booking pace and percentage of growing.
If your booking window opens 2 to 3 months in advance, choose the option 90/120 days.

Experts' tip: Select the percentage of variation that represents your growth. If you get too many notifications a day (7-10 notifications) you should lower the percentage.

How to manage notifications

You can edit or delete every existing notification.


  1. Click on the ✏️ icon.

  2. Go to the edit area and make the changes.

  3. Click save.


  1. Click on the 🗑 icon.

  2. Click Ok on the confirmation pop up.

Turn on and off

Once you create a new notification, this will be off by default, you have to turn the switch on to start receiving the notifications.

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