Status Settings

Status Settings

The feature "Booking Status" helps the hoteliers with special process that use a lot of options, to set them as fixed.

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How to define the status

The feature "Booking Status" helps the hoteliers with special process that use a lot of options, to set them as fixed. In this section, you can select which reservations status will be included in your analysis tool.

For default settings, only the reservations with the BOOKED and CONFIRMED status are included. You can turn these and other status on or off by switching the “Is Fixed” option. You can also choose if you will display them from the confirmation or creation date.

  • Creation date: corresponds with the day the reservation gets in.

  • Confirmation date: corresponds with the day the status of reservation is changed from option to booked or confirmed.

Especially, the groups' reservation could be affected from this difference. 

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