
See how your guests are rating your hotel experience. TrustYou gives you an overview of your score on every travel platforms and also a detailed view with the actual comments you received.

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Reputation summary

To analyze your guests' feedback, Rateboard gets data from the platform TrustYou. TrustYou analyzes a huge variety of feedback platforms and OTAs (online travel agencies), to summarize your hotels' feedbacks.

With this tool, you get the summary of the most important platforms with your average score and a link to the platform. This makes it easy to check for feedback by platform and to check how the feedback average varies between the platforms.

Meta Review

The Meta Review summarizes all reviews and gives an average score for all feedbacks, different languages, or by number of people travelling. You can even read what your business guests are writing.

With this tool, it is easy to get an overview of what is rated best in the hotel, and what your guests do give a lower score for. So, you can always see where there is room for improvement and what it is your guests like in the hotel.

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